What will happen if your hearing is not good? How to prevent it?

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  • Source:Starkey Hearing Aids
The existence of hearing allows us to appreciate the beauty of music. However, there are many factors in life that affect hearing, resulting in tinnitus and even deafness.

What will happen if your hearing is not good? How to prevent it?

Modern people live at a fast pace, and there are more and more types of work and entertainment. The roar of factory machines, the singing of KTV, the sound of cars on the road, and the sound of decoration next door are all stimulating people Eardrums, and hearing loss has long been not only found in the elderly, but now hearing loss is increasingly affecting younger people. Hearing loss occurs when you are young, and symptoms such as tinnitus and even deafness may occur in old age. Therefore, contemporary people must prevent hearing loss as early as possible.

1. Loss of the power of "listening" and "speaking"

For children, hearing loss will delay their intellectual development and affect the normal development of language. Especially for newborns, since they cannot obtain external information through their ears right after birth, the development of the language system is seriously affected and cannot be established. Newborns should follow the three early principles (early detection, early treatment, and early recovery) in order to change the traditional social concept of "ten deaf and nine dumb".

2. Unhealthy mental development
1 Inferiority complex: Specifically manifested as insufficient understanding of deafness itself and the social status of the deaf group. Low level of self-understanding and weak learning motivation are the main reasons why deaf children are afraid of learning difficulties

2. Stubbornness: The main reason why deaf children have stubbornness is that they have hearing impairment and cannot accept knowledge. It is caused by the small amount of information and low ability to understand the problem. As a result, many deaf children are self-centered.

3. Extreme hardship and trouble in life, study and work. Due to deafness, patients often cannot hear clearly or hear the wrong words, have difficulty studying, have difficulty communicating, have trouble working, or cause unnecessary embarrassment and trouble. .

4. Discrimination in life or employment causes patients to have a sense of inferiority, stress, depression, withdrawal, unwillingness to communicate with others, and a withdrawn personality.
5. Development of auditory nerve atrophy that affects the overall balance of the central nervous system, and hearing lossPlus slowness.

6. The elderly’s speech recognition rate and expression ability are extremely reduced and symptoms of early dementia occur: Deafness causes the elderly to lack interpersonal communication, their personality becomes withdrawn and eccentric, and may lead to the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease.

Prevention and Treatment of Deafness

1. Prevention of Deafness: Avoid incest marriage and childbirth; mothers should avoid viral infections or taking hearing aids during pregnancy Toxic drugs, avoid radioactive irradiation of the abdomen; strengthen nutrition during infancy, improve immunity, and prevent infectious diseases; parents should pay attention to their children's hearing and speech development, and seek medical treatment promptly if there are any problems.

2. Prevent conductive deafness:
1. Keep the external auditory canal clean to prevent damage to the external auditory canal. Do not use unclean matchsticks, toothpicks, or hairpins to dig your ears. , to avoid causing otitis externa and local swelling leading to hearing loss;
2. Swimmers can use cotton soaked in Vaseline paste to block the opening of the external auditory canal before going into the water to prevent sewage from entering the ear canal and causing infection;
3. A cold is usually accompanied by stuffy nose and runny nose. At this time, be careful not to use excessive force to push the nasal mucus from the nasal cavity into the middle ear through the short tube connected with the middle ear, which may cause otitis media. Ephedrine nasal drops should be used to reduce swelling and ventilate the mucous membrane, making it easier to discharge secretions. When inserting the nose, hold one nostril and pinch it out gently.
4. If you already have acute otitis media, you must go to the hospital immediately for thorough treatment. Delay in treatment will develop into chronic otitis media and seriously damage hearing.
5. If the tympanic membrane perforation is caused by other reasons, such as trauma or blasting damage, you should seek medical treatment in time and heal the tympanic membrane perforation under the guidance of a doctor to prevent the formation of chronic otitis media and further damage to hearing. People with unhealed tympanic membrane perforations are strictly prohibited from swimming. They should prevent water from entering their ears and dig their ears deeply.

3. Prevent neurological deafness:
1. Pay attention to rest to prevent excessive fatigue and mental stress, so as not to cause insufficient blood supply to the inner ear; stay away from places with excessive noise, and wear headphones for an extended period of time. The sound should not be too long or too loud; use ototoxic drugs with caution; in terms of diet and health care,
2. Eat scientifically and have reasonable nutrition. Avoid "three highs and one low" (high sugar, high salt, high cholesterol, low fiber). Eat more foods rich in trace elements such as whole grains, vegetables, peanuts, and seafood. The product increases vitamin C and E, improves the function of oxidative dismutase, increases the body's oxygen usage rate, improves peripheral vascular flow, and protects the inner ear.

3. Actively prevent and treat systemic diseases. Hypertension, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, etc. have a significant impact on the hearing of presbycusis patients.

As long as you pay a little attention in your life, you can implement these prevention points and help yourself and your family prevent deafness. To treat deafness in the elderly, it is best to choose physical therapy and avoid taking medications to avoid side effects. Deafness should not be underestimated and must be taken seriously. Once you find symptoms of deafness, you must see a doctor in time to avoid delaying treatment