Good hearing leads to a longer life!

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  • Source:Starkey Hearing Aids

Whether it's casually cleaning your ears or cranking up the volume when listening to music, these seemingly harmless habits can harm your hearing. According to recent studies, people with good hearing tend to live longer!

How to determine if your hearing is problematic:

Decreased hearing, such as difficulty understanding speech, needing others to repeat themselves during conversations.Experiencing ringing or pain in the ears.Feeling irritated by loud noises.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it's crucial to promptly visit a hospital for a check-up. Treating hearing damage early yields better results, as once the optimal window is missed, hearing restoration becomes challenging.

Why do people with good hearing live longer? Research from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine reveals that elderly individuals with good hearing tend to outlive their peers with hearing impairments. The study focused on individuals aged 70 and above, showing that those with hearing loss had a 21% to 39% higher likelihood of death in the following years.

According to the latest data from the World Health Organization, globally, 360 million people have varying degrees of hearing impairment. This includes 1 billion young people (aged 12 to 35) at risk of hearing damage due to exposure to noise in entertainment environments.

Hearing is an essential sense in life, and learning to protect your ears can slow down the aging of the auditory system. What daily habits threaten ear health?

Ear Cleaning Habits: Cleaning ears with sharp objects like toothpicks, needles, or hairpins can lead to perforated eardrums. It's recommended to use a clean cotton swab dipped in a small amount of alcohol or glycerin for gentle ear cleaning. Clean the area around the ears once a week, avoiding daily cleaning as the ear skin is delicate and prone to inflammation.

Emotional Outbursts: Negative emotions like anger, depression, and sadness can trigger sudden deafness.

Forceful Nose Blowing: Forcefully blowing your nose with both hands can push viruses and bacteria into the eustachian tube, causing middle ear infections.

Driving with Open Windows: Wind noise from fast driving or traffic sounds during slow driving can damage hearing over time. While it may not cause immediate deafness, prolonged exposure can impact one side of hearing.

Smoking and Drinking: Nicotine and toxins in tobacco cause blood vessel spasms, disrupting blood circulation in the inner ear. Chronic alcohol consumption can directly harm the auditory nerve.

Loud Headphone Volumes: Research indicates that 35% of adults and 59% of teenagers use headphones at volumes ranging from 110 to 120 decibels. Prolonged exposure to high volumes can lead to permanent hearing loss.

Habits to Improve Hearing:

Avoiding Noise: Stay away from loud environments like fireworks or KTV, and minimize prolonged exposure to noisy stimuli like personal audio devices.

Proper Headphone Use: Adhere to the "60-60-60" rule: keep the volume below 60%, limit continuous listening to 60 minutes, and avoid ambient noise exceeding 60 decibels.

Early Symptom Detection: Pay attention to hearing-related symptoms like ringing, fullness in the ears, dizziness, or lack of concentration. Regular hearing check-ups are advisable, especially for those frequently exposed to noise.

Zinc-Rich Diet: Consume zinc-rich foods like fish, beef, pork liver, and chicken to prevent age-related hearing loss. Additionally, include magnesium-rich foods such as seaweed, nori, and sesame.

Ear Hygiene: Maintain good ear hygiene by preventing water entry, and avoid excessive ear cleaning. If water enters the ear, use a cotton swab to absorb it or use a hairdryer to evaporate moisture, keeping the ear dry.

Remember, healthy hearing contributes to a longer and fuller life! Explore Chosgo Hearing Aids and SmartU Rechargeable Hearing Aids at Chosgo. Specifically, check out the Smart U Rechargeable Hearing Aids and browse the entire range of Chosgo hearing aids.