What causes tinnitus and deafness?

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  • Source:Starkey Hearing Aids
Tinnitus is a very common symptom. Most of my friends may have experienced tinnitus, but the length of time they have been suffering from tinnitus is different, and the tones produced are also different. Suffering from tinnitus will reduce our sleep quality, lead to low energy, and have an impact on life and work.

What causes tinnitus and deafness?

There are many reasons for deafness and tinnitus. It may be caused by congenital factors, such as genetic factors, or it may be caused by acquired factors.
1. Secretory otitis media: The middle ear of normal people contains air. When the Eustachian tube, the drainage channel of the middle ear, is blocked, middle ear effusion may occur, causing secretory otitis media.

2. Long-term exposure to noise: According to surveys, people in remote tribes in Sudan have better hearing than urban residents, especially those over 65 years old, who can maintain better high-frequency hearing. A survey by Weston (1964) showed that senile deafness occurs earlier in urban residents than in rural areas. There are many reasons for this, but long-term noise damage is one of the main reasons.

3. Cerumen embolism: Cerumen, commonly known as "earwax", is a normal secretion from the external auditory canal of the human body and has a protective effect on the skin of the external auditory canal. Excessive secretion or obstruction of elimination can lead to blockage of the external auditory canal. , thus affecting sound conduction.
4. Different influences: According to the Soviet Union (1976) census on the hearing of residents in Moscow and Georgia, it was found that the latter area eats more vegetarian food, has a lower incidence of coronary heart disease, and the elderly maintain better hearing, while Moscow residents People who eat mainly meat have higher blood cholesterol and higher incidence of cardiovascular disease. The elderly also have poor hearing. Rosen (1962) found that the average blood cholesterol of elderly people who ate a low-saturated fat diet was 5.2mmol/L, while the blood cholesterol of those who ate a saturated-fat diet could increase to 6.76mmol/L. Weston (1964) investigated that 70% of elderly deaf people suffer from atherosclerosis, and the severity of deafness is positively correlated with the degree of atherosclerosis.

5. Chronic suppurative otitis media: one of the main causes of conductive deafness
6. Genetic factors. Lowell (1977) divided deaf patients into two groups according to age, 65 years oldThose who have a family history of deafness will have a flat or basin-type hearing curve; those who are over 65 years old without a family history of deafness will have a downhill hearing curve, with a low language recognition rate and genetic genes dominant. Genetically, men and women are also different. Women have stronger tissue tolerance than men. Men also have more chances of being damaged by harsh environments and noise than women. They smoke and drink more than women. Therefore, men are two times more likely to suffer from presbycusis than women. times.
7. Otosclerosis: Most have a family history. Clinically, it manifests as progressive hearing loss in both ears without obvious triggers, which may be accompanied by tinnitus. There are usually no abnormalities in ear examination.

8. Drugs: Long-term or excessive use of ototoxic drugs can cause deafness; some are not used in large amounts and for a short period of time, but some people are particularly sensitive to these drugs and may also cause deafness. deaf.

9. Sudden deafness: It is a sudden sensorineural hearing loss of unknown cause. It is currently believed to be caused by damage to the inner ear caused by factors such as vascular disease and viral infection.

10. Presbycusis: It is sensorineural deafness caused by degeneration of the inner ear and auditory nerve. It usually occurs in those over 60 years old and is the main cause of deafness in the elderly.

Systemic diseases can also manifest as tinnitus. For example, cervical spondylosis can cause tinnitus on the side where blood vessels are compressed, liver disease, kidney disease, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, etc. Tinnitus symptoms also occur when these diseases cause systemic dysfunction, and generally disappear with recovery from these diseases. Neuropsychiatric diseases such as neurasthenia can also cause tinnitus.

The causes of tinnitus are very many, complex and the mechanism is unknown. However, it will affect our health to some extent, so we must pay attention to it. Tinnitus, protect your hearing.