Today's young people often wear headphones and their ears will be damaged. How should we advise them?

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  • Source:Starkey Hearing Aids
A pair of headphones and a mobile phone seem to be standard equipment for many young people. Whether they are studying, going to work, exercising, commuting or playing games, they like to put on headphones and immerse themselves in their own world. But as everyone knows, using headphones for a long time and at high volume can not only easily cause tinnitus, but also cause serious and irreversible damage to hearing.

Today's young people often wear headphones and their ears will be damaged. How should we persuade them?

You can educate young people about the dangers of wearing headphones frequently.
Korean media reported that the Seoul National University Hospital in South Korea conducted a hearing survey on 2,700 teenagers in South Korea. The survey results showed that among the 2,700 adolescent respondents, 17% suffered from "noise-induced deafness" symptoms due to excessive use of headphones, including hearing loss and reduced language discrimination ability. This means that regular wearing of headphones and excessive use of headphones can lead to noise-induced deafness.
Data released by the World Health Organization shows that by 2050, nearly 2.5 billion people around the world are expected to have some degree of hearing problems. Without action, at least 700 million of these people will need to seek ear and hearing care and other rehabilitation services. How to enjoy headphones while holding up a "protective umbrella" for the ears has become a confusion for many people, especially young people.

“We all say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, because once a person falls from light into darkness, his heart will be very desperate; similarly, for a normal person, from the sound of When the world enters a silent world, the quality of life is bound to be affected." Jiang Zidong said that hearing loss most affects the ability to communicate with others. "Deaf children whose hearing loss is not treated will have delayed language development, and the elderly will leading to feelings of loneliness, isolation and depression”. In addition, the World Health Organization estimates that untreated hearing loss costs the world an additional $750 billion each year, including health sector costs (excluding the cost of hearing devices), education support costs, productivity losses and social costs, etc.

Long-term use of headphones will cause the following damage to the ears:
1. Wearing headphones to listen to music for a long time can lead to deafness about 30 years in advance, and generally It is difficult to discover your own hearing loss, because the hearing loss is generally in the mid- to high-frequency stage, and audiologyThe examination usually shows sensorineural deafness, which does not appear as sudden deafness and requires timely treatment. Therefore, the opportunity for treatment is usually missed when it is discovered.
2. Causes neurological tinnitus, continuous or intermittent noise in the ears, such as buzzing, chirping, electric current, etc. When the symptoms are obvious, it can affect the individual's work and sleep.
3. Frequent dizziness and headaches, and even pain when the ears are touched. In severe cases, it can lead to physical and mental dysfunction.

When the volume heard by human ears exceeds 85 decibels, long time can cause hearing fatigue; when the volume reaches above 110 decibels, it is enough to cause the death of hair cells in the human inner ear. The volume output of headphones is generally around 84 decibels, and some high-frequency ranges can reach 120 decibels. Excessively loud sounds and listening for too long each time will affect the auditory nerve, causing excitability, and autonomic nerve function will be disordered. In addition to tinnitus, severe symptoms such as anorexia and insomnia can also be caused. Among all types of noise, impulse noise, like the sound coming from an MP3 player, causes the most damage to hearing.

How to wear the headset is correct?
1. Do not open too much volume: the headset is in close contact with the ear, close to eardrum, sound waves stimulate eardrum, do not adjust when wearing headphones Too much volume can reduce the damage of sound waves to the ears.

2. Don’t wear headphones for too long: Wearing headphones for a long time will expose the ears to a high decibel environment for a long time, which will cause damage to the inner ear and symptoms of dizziness and tinnitus. Therefore, before wearing Do not wear headphones for a long time and take breaks.