My ears suddenly lost hearing. Is there any way to recover?

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  • Views:108
  • Source:Starkey Hearing Aids
Ears allow us to hear sounds from various places. We can hear birds, we can hear our mother calling us, we can hear the sound of cars on the street, we can hear the noise from the market, and suddenly That day you couldn't hear anything, you couldn't hear anything, you couldn't hear anyone calling you, you couldn't hear the sound coming from the TV, you couldn't hear the sound of rain.

I suddenly lost hearing. Is there any way to restore it?

There are two common cases of sudden loss of hearing in the ears:

1. Secondary to a cold, such as a runny nose from a cold or sudden ear stuffiness and hearing loss after sneezing, usually due to The symptoms of catarrhal otitis media caused by obstruction of the Eustachian tube connecting the nasopharynx and the middle ear cavity at the back end of the nose are generally not serious problems. As the symptoms of the cold gradually ease and heal in about a week, the symptoms of Eustachian tube obstruction will gradually ease, and the ear stuffiness and hearing loss will gradually ease;
2. Sudden deafness, sudden deafness, Idiopathic deafness is a neurological deafness, which is a sudden loss of hearing in a short period of time. 90% of the reasons are not clear. It is generally believed to be caused by blockage or spasm of the inner ear microcirculatory blood vessels, which leads to an impairment of the inner ear microcirculatory blood supply. The main treatment is hormones, which require continuous use of standard doses. Generally, the treatment lasts for 2-3 weeks to try to restore hearing as much as possible.

What is sudden deafness?

Sudden deafness is a sensorineural hearing loss that occurs suddenly and has an unknown cause. It is generally believed that there is a problem with the inner ear, usually affecting one ear. The incidence of bilateral sudden deafness accounts for about 1.7% to 4.9% of all patients.
An important sign for the diagnosis of sudden deafness is hearing loss ≥30dB on at least 3 consecutive frequencies within 72 hours.
It is generally believed that sudden deafness is closely related to viral infection, inner ear blood microcirculation disorder, head trauma, autoimmunity and allergic reactions.

An epidemiological study showed that the main cause of sudden deafness is viral infection (34.44%), followed by cochlear microcirculation disease (21.76%) and adverse psychological factors (7.16%) .

So if you have hearing loss, the most important thing is to go to the hospital for a hearing test to find out whether it is sudden deafness or catarrhal otitis media that causes the hearing loss. The treatments are different. Sudden deafness emphasizes that the earlier the treatment, the better, and it cannot be delayed. After treatment is delayed, sometimes the effect will not be good, and the hearing may not even be fully restored.

There are many reasons why patients cannot hear in life. Some patients suffer from trauma, such as being hit by a car or being beaten by others. Therefore, the patient's eardrum will rupture, and the patient's eardrum nerve will be damaged, so the patient's hearing will decrease. In this case, the patient needs to go to the hospital to check the affected area and use nerve-nourishing drugs for treatment. And repair, patients should pay attention to timely treatment and avoid strenuous exercise.